Continuous Prayer Movement for Marriage & Family Life

“Search and you will find.”
Again, William Barclay says that a better translation for this is:
”Keep on searching and you will find”.
We get very used to things the way they are. This is true even when things are not good. We settle for ‘no change’.
When Our Lady was asked to become the Mother of God the question she asked was: “How can this come about?”
That is the real question for searching. If we really want marriage to be reverenced; couples to grow in love and happiness; families to be united in joy; people to be healed into hope; the Church to have confidence; the world to be transformed; we need to search for the ways. Many of these ways will mean changes in our own lives and in our own priorities.
Our Lady was told by the angel: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you”.
In our prayer month by month for Marriage & Family Life we can have no doubt that the Holy Spirit will come upon us also, showing us the ways forward for our married couples and all families. This prayer helps us to reflect on the importance and complexity of our families and it gives us the power to go for all that is best for us – all that God wants for us.
This day is a call to the whole parish to pray for Marriage & Family Life at home, at school, at any Mass that is celebrated on the day, at any prayer group meetings that might take place on 29th of the month etc. as well as by those who have undertaken to pray for an hour for these intentions.
If you would like to undertake an hour each month you can do so at any time.
Contact the Parish Office, 028 2582 1190; email: