Kathleen Henry (née Murray) RIP, 61 Moyagoney Road, Portglenone, 1st January 2025, (suddenly but peacefully), beloved wife of Patrick (Paddy, formerly Loughgiel), much loved mother of Julia and loving sister of Veronica (O’Neill), James and the late Patricia
(Davidson), Elizabeth (Dixon), Brigid (Lynn) and Susan (Loughran).
Kathleen’s wake will officially begin at her late residence on Thursday 2nd January at 6pm. Her remains will leave her late residence on Saturday 4th January at 9.30am for 10am Requiem Mass in St Oliver Plunkett’s Church, Clady, burial immediately afterwards in St Mary’s Cemetery Greenlough.
Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband, daughter, brother, sister and all her family and friends who loved her so much. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her.
Detail enquiries to: WJ O’Donnell & Sons Funeral and Monumental services Tel: 028 2563 1406 or visit: nifunerals.com