Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
January 5th – 11th 2025
Christ, the Wisdom of God
“He was in the world and the world did not know him.” It is always a source of sadness and distress when someone we love tells us that they no longer believe. There are very many reasons for this loss of faith and for the difficulty of believing in the first place. But then there are also many reasons for believing in Christ and following his way. The best thing we can do for those among us who have left us is to purify our own reasons for believing and to live our faith in a much more vibrant way. The heart of our Christian faith is that Christ is among us and his presence makes all things and all people sacred. We are always walking on holy ground, especially when we are with our loved ones or with other people. And this is true whether those others believe or not.
Morning Prayer, when together
God of power and life,
glory of all who believe in you,
fill the world with your splendour
and show the nations the light of your truth.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart
Lord, make holy our love for one another
through the coming of your Son,
who shows us the way of truth
and promises the life of your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together
Lord, hear our prayers.
By our sacrament of marriage free us from sin
and keep us faithful to your word.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Questions for Action for the week
For your marriage: What were the beginnings of your love for each other? Take time to share on this during the week
For others: Do you know anyone for whom Christmas has been difficult? How could you reach out to them this week?