Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
May 7th 2023 – 5th Sunday of Easter
Our Royal Priesthood
Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Because these words are so familiar to us we can easily hear them and move on. What do they mean? Jesus is the way, first of all, to the true God. We can easily reduce God to our own size, into proportions that we can manage. Jesus constantly lifts us out into the vastness of God where we are out of control. He also is the way to the full mystery of ourselves made in the image of God because there too we tend to reduce each other and ourselves down to size. Jesus is the truth about God who loves us with an infinite and passionate love. God adores us like a parent in the presence of a newborn baby. And he is the life. He teaches us that the only true human way of living is the way of love – the love of God and of each other. This has huge implications for us in our homes and in our faith community.
Morning Prayer, when together
God our Father, look upon us with love
You redeem us and make us your children in Christ.
Give us true freedom in our love for one another
and bring us to the inheritance you promised.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart
Lord God, by gifting us with love for one another
you share with us your divine life.
Grant that everything we do
may be directed by the knowledge of your love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together
Merciful Father, give us a new sense of purpose in our marriage
and bring us to new life in you.
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.
Questions for Action for the week
For your marriage: How could you show special affection for your wife/husband this week?
For others: Think of some group that is engaged in promoting the environment.
How can you help them this week?