St. Oliver Plunketts


Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am

about St. Oliver Plunketts

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time


 Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.

February 16th – 22nd 2025

Our Trust in God

Fixing his eyes on his disciples Jesus said: “How happy are you who are poor; yours is the kingdom of God. Alas for you who are rich; you are having your consolation now”. Isn’t this a very difficult teaching to accept, even when we know that it comes from Jesus? And because it is difficult, we can tend to ignore it and go on our way. Obviously, Jesus is not promoting poverty. Rather he is saying that when we are poor, we know that we depend on God. When we have riches, we put our trust in them even though in reality we still depend totally on God for everything including our next breath. The task of every human person is to let go of our self-importance and enter into the wonderful love relationship God wants to have with us. We will then use our resources, material and spiritual, for the well-being of each other.


Morning Prayer, when together

God our Father,

you have promised to remain forever

with those who do what is just and right.

Help us to live our marriage in your presence.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


During the day, when apart

Lord, we thank you for our love for one another.

Cleanse and renew us in our married love

and lead us to our eternal reward.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


Evening/Night Prayer together

Lord, you give us wonderful gifts of life and love.

May we always hunger for more in our marriage

and never settle for things as they are.

Give us the generosity to love as you love us.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Questions for Action for the week

For your marriage: In what ways would you like your wife/husband to trust you more in your marriage? Share these this week.


For others: Think of something you own which would be difficult for you to give away. To whom could you give it this week?