Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
April 17th – April 23rd 2022
A Day Of Celebration
“They have taken the Lord out of the tomb,” Mary of Magdala said, “and we don’t know where they have put him.” On the first Easter morning there was a sense of excitement among the disciples but it was mixed with anxiety and fear. They didn’t know what was happening but they knew that something was. As we celebrate our Easter we can know exactly what has happened. However we can be so familiar with this wonderful truth that we may have little if any excitement about it. It was not the soldiers who took the body of Jesus from the tomb but rather the power of God. And where God has put Jesus is into our hearts, our minds, and our company with one another, above us, below us, all around us. The deepest reality of our lives has been changed forever by what happened today and Jesus is risen and living among us in our homes and in our parish community. We need to attend to him there.
Morning Prayer, when together
God our Father, by raising Christ your Son
you conquered the power of death
and opened for us the way to eternal life.
Let our celebration today raise us up
and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart
Lord, with Easter joy we offer you the gift of our love.
Give us a renewed gladness in our marriage
and a sense of joy for the week ahead.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together
Father of love, watch over your Church
and bring us to the glory of the resurrection
promised by this Easter mystery.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Questions for Action for the week
For your marriage: In what ways could you bring a sense of joy and happiness to your wife/husband this week?
For others: Is there someone you know who needs a visit or an encouraging word at this Easter time? How could you reach out to them this week?