St. Oliver Plunketts


Mass Times

Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am

about St. Oliver Plunketts

First Sunday of Advent


Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.

1st – 7th December 2024

Our Liberation from Fear

Jesus said to his disciples: “hold your heads high, for your liberation is close at hand”. Over the past few years, with all the revelations of scandals in the Church and society, there is a lot for us to be ashamed of and repent for. However, the resulting despair that some people have experienced is not necessary because there continues to be so much goodness in the Church and society that we can be proud of. This week we begin a new year in our journey of faith with Christ. It is an opportunity to once again have confidence in his presence with us, and his power in us. Without in any way being unrealistic, this is a time to look towards him to save us and to set us free. We will find that freedom in how we are with one another in our homes and in our parish community as we approach Christmas and beyond with love rather than selfishness.


 Morning Prayer, when together

All-powerful God,

increase our strength of will for doing good

that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming

and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


During the day, when apart

Father, from all you give us

we present our love for one another in marriage.

As we serve you now, accept our offering

and sustain us with your promise of eternal life.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

 Evening/Night Prayer together

Father, may our marriage and family life

teach us to love heaven.

May its promise and hope

guide our way on earth.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Questions for Action for the week

For your marriage: In what ways would you like to have greater freedom in your relationship with your wife/husband? Share these this week.

For others: Do you know anyone who is ‘imprisoned’ in any way? Contact them this week.