Bernie O’Neill (née O’Kane) Clady & formerly Kilrea 28th September 2022 
Peacefully surrounded by her loving family Bernie R.I.P.
beloved mother of Stephen (Jennifer), Dominic (Sinead), Aine, Amelia (Chris) and Cathy (Kevin) and much adored granny of Cillian, Conan, Tiernan and Cormac.
Daughter of the late Henry & Kathleen and loving sister of Henry, Walter, Brendan, Brigidin, Finola, Eithne and the late Kathleen.
Family and friends welcome to call at the family home from 12 Noon on Thursday.
Funeral from her late residence, 31 Beechland Gardens, on Saturday at 10:20am for 11 o’clock Requiem Mass in St Oliver Plunkett’s Church, Clady, (which can be viewed via the church webcam) burial immediately afterwards in St Mary’s Cemetery, Greenlough.
Our Lady of Lourdes pray for Her.
Deeply regretted by Alex and the entire O’Kane family circle.
No flowers please. Donations in lieu, if desired, to Macmillan c/o McKiernan & Sons, 45-47 Maghera Street, Kilrea. BT51 5QL.