Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.
Sunday 20 August 2023
Mercy to every person
“Lord”, the woman said, “help me.” Human life is too big and too complex for any of us to live it on our own. We have all kinds of people and relationships to help us to wholeness. The most important one of all has to be the presence of Christ with us. The intimate relationships of marriage and family life, for example, change so often and so deeply that we cannot manage them on our own. Christ is with us to help us see the opportunities for ever greater loving and to give us the strength to grow in our love. Relationships within the faith community are also so complex that we cannot possibly build our unity with one another except through the power of Christ. When we depend on our own efforts we set very low limits and settle for mediocrity. When we call on the power of Christ, and live by his power, we are set free to reach for the stars.
Morning Prayer, when together
God, our Father,
may we love you in all things and above all things
and reach the joy you have prepared for us
beyond all our imagining.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
During the day, when apart
Lord, accept the gift of our love
as a holy exchange of gifts with you.
By offering what you have given us
may we receive the gift of yourself.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Evening/Night Prayer together
God of mercy,
by our sacrament of marriage you make us one with Christ.
By becoming more like him on earth
may we come to share his glory in heaven.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Questions for Action for the week
For your marriage: Is there anything for which you need to forgive your wife/husband at present?
How can you do that this week?
For others: Think of some group that works for prisoners. How could you help that group this week?