Trinity Sunday


 Fr. Johnny Doherty, C.Ss.R.

June 4th – 10th 2023

 Our God of Love

“God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son”. Isn’t it amazing how easily we settle for less than is possible? We settle for the fact that there is a God in terms of faith. Jesus tells us that God is not just in existence but is alive and in love and passionate about us – that God is Three in One. Our faith is a call into a deep personal love of God so that we can come to know the wonder and the fullness of life. However, we also settle for life as being just all right. Jesus tells us that we are wonderful; we are the beloved of God. We are called into a deep personal love for one another in marriage, in family life and in our faith community so that we can engage with the adventure of life that leads us into eternal life. The challenge of this week is to open ourselves to the wonder and excitement of life and love.


Morning Prayer, when together

Father, you sent us your Word to bring us truth

and your Spirit to make us holy.

Through them we come to know the mystery of your life.

Help us to worship you, one God in three Persons,

by proclaiming and living our faith in you

 through our love for each other in the sacrament of marriage.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


During the day, when apart

Lord our God, make our marriage holy,

and through our love for each other

 make us a perfect offering to you

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen


Evening/Night Prayer together

Lord God, we worship you, a Trinity of Persons, one eternal God.

May our faith and our married love

bring us health of mind and body.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen


Questions for Action for the week

For your marriage: What have been some of the special times in your married love recently?

Share these this week.


For others: Think of some group that works for community building.

How could you as a couple help them this week?